IPR Infringement and Abuse Claim Form
1. How to File a Complaint or Report Abuse
Reporting into one of three categories: Complaints, Abuse, or Authorities. Please provide your name, address, telephone number, email and description of the issue, including domain name(s) to the respective contact below.
Complaints & Abuse
Email: support@jpisp.com
C/O: Complaint/Abuse Department
2. Authorities
Law enforcement, consumer protection, quasi-governmental or other similar authorities.
These reports must also include organization name, phone number to the organization’s head or regional office, address of the organization and the jurisdiction of the organization in order to verify the validity of the organizations authority.
3. Report Processing
All reported complaints and abuses will be acknowledged through Ticket or Email by our support staff within 24 hours. Our goal is to resolve any single complaint or abuse item within ten (10) business days. If more time is required to resolve an issue, our support staff will inform you of the expected time-frame to resolution. Authorities reporting abuse must first have their provided credentials verified. Upon successful verification, a response will be made to the authorities by the most fitting to-the-case individual from the Nicenic.NET support team. Resolution of reported abuse by the authorities will depend on the scope and complexity of the investigation required.
As part of domain investigation of illegal activity complaints , we may notify our customer and ask them to resolve the issue and may share your contact information so our customer can work with you directly to resolve the issue. Where our customers fail to comply with our policies, we reserve the right to take appropriate action.
We require sufficient information in order to review and determine any proper response or action. Accordingly, if you do not provide us with all the required information, including the alleged violation of law or regulation for the applicable jurisdiction(s) and supporting document to substantiate the alleged unlawful activity, we reserve the right to not take any action and not contact you for further information. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse to open or process any suspicious attachments or emails.
We will not take any action if the domain name that is the subject of your abuse report (such as domain names or websites) has been suspended during our investigation.
If you submit the abuse report via our Ticket system, you will get a ticket ID for you to track the result of complaint and you can check your ticket status by viewing the following link:
4. Reopening or Appealing Responses
Responses to reported complaints and abuses that are resolved in a satisfactory manner will be closed within 48 hours of a non-response from the complainant. If the response is not satisfactory, simply respond with additional information or detail that will allow for further investigation of the issue.
  • 地址
  • 香港公司:香港铜锣湾百德新街恒隆中心1704室
  • 美国公司:1942 Broadway St.STE 314C Boulder CO 80302 US
    电话:+1(220)800 1201